Featuring: Anna Sew Hoy, Dane Mitchell, Edith Amituanai, Josephine Cachemaille, Paul Cullen, Laura Duffy and Aliyah Winter with InsideOUT. Curated by Chloe Geoghegan.
27 June - 27 September 2020
A new group exhibition, developed over the lockdown period, that thinks about the future through the current moment.
If this era of pandemic-driven flux could be visualised, what would it look like? In the past few months, feelings of uncertainty have combined with decisive action to create a future that seems constantly just out of reach. If these strange times could tell us anything, however, it is that the future is always just out of reach, like a strange new constellation of stars in the distant sky or a rainbow appearing intermittently on the horizon.
This exhibition brings together new and existing work to create a reactive constellation; one that could only happen now, as society collectively emerges from a place of contemplation, of rāhui and of isolation.

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