We’re in heaven!
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8 Egmont st

Brains think they need to categorize, western thinking often relies on the binary. ((Yes/No. Black/White. Heaven/Hell. Bad/Good.)) Without taking a direct standpoint of yes or no, like or dislike, ANGELWAVE explores binary categorization in relation to digital media. With video and audio works by 6 Wellington artists. 

Annalise Enoka - “Straightening” - 40”, diamonds & chains. 
Dilohana Lekamge - “Don’t choose us because we’re not you” - 3 x CRT TV’s.
Isaac Dalke - “Future/Protect” - Live CCTV Surveillance, Plastic drop. 
Kerry Males - “Angel Mov” - CRT TV.
Laura Duffy - “Fruit flesh bless” - 3 X iPhone & Macbook. 
Maddy Plimmer - “Cyberbabe”, iMac Live Stream. 

Conceptual and aesthetically inspired by Angelcore, with themes of abjection, eurocentrism, christian iconography, nationalism, capitalism, sexuality, power, and surveillance. With a heavy ugly-internet aesthetic of low res, reappropriated. Linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.

Images infiltrate us, entering our consciousness; fed to us often through screens. Language fails us, there is a distance between experiencing and articulating experience. Aware that art itself is a language, we believe that this is where a visual language can attempt to bridge the gap between words and experience. 

With a harsh internet aesthetic Angelwave locates itself within the social media, digital culture that surrounds and consumes us.  JPEG2000 values that an image of the art is not the art, the art is the art. Therefore ANGELWAVE is IRL and URL with digital counterparts existing in the online space of www.angelwave.space. So you can view the work anywhere, all the time!

Oh My loRd!
What the Devil!? 

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